Robin's Child Care Policy
Please sign in and out daily.
Children with contagious illness or fever will need a doctor note prior to the child returning back to the facility due to our concern for the other children’s health.
Children with minor colds, such a clear runny nose, are acceptable.
Children that have been out for vomiting, diarrhea or fever must stay home for 24 hours with none of the above before returning to the program.
Based on child’s age, children must have their immunization records on file in Robin’ child care home. There is a 30 day grace period to obtain all pertinent immunization records.
6Always send a change of clothes to the child are for your child’s comfort.
Please bring a full supply of diapers and wipes. You will be charged $2.00 per diaper until your supplies are brought in & $3.00 per box of wipes, disposable only.
Please supply bibs and bottles already made if needed.
Child care is provided for school age children during school holidays. Their will be an additional $20.00 a day fee added to your weekly rate.
Child care hours are from 7:00am to 6:00pm. A late fee of $2.00 per minute will begin at 6:01pm. Payable immediately! Please be considerate, by bringing and picking up your child on time
Parents arriving after 9:00am will need to find alternate care unless previous arrangements have been made with me.
A balanced Breakfast will be served as well as nutritional from 7:30am untill 8:30am. Breakfast stops at 8:30am
Please call if your child is going to be absent from the program.
Your help is appreciated by insuring that your child doesn’t bring toys, money, gum or food to his/her Child care home.
We will give medication to children provided by you. A medical release must be completed and signed along with permission from the doctor.